Lesson 7 Master Link Page

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Lesson 7 Master Link Page


You're moving right along! Recognition of shapes within or around shapes, or shapes that can be imagined within a composition is a major skill of drawing. You'll have another tool in your drawing arsenal as you absorb this lesson.

It's my aim that you'll find with just a single click all the contents of Lesson 7 - be it information sections, animations, or homework - you'll find it all on this page. Enjoy.


Lesson 7 Introduction

Here's where you'll learn about the usefulness of framing your subjects (or objects). As a direct extension of lesson six, you'll learn a practical, easy, hands-on approach to making and incorporating a viewfinder. You'll see things you never saw before. Has an animation.

Flash Lessons

Make sure you go to the Archives and see the Flash Interactive Lessons about negative space, the picture plane, and modified contour! 

Go to Lesson 7 Exercise

Here you'll put to use the viewfinder you made in the introduction of Lesson 7.


Chair / format / negative space: animation

This outlines the application and recognition of negative space using a beach chair as subject. (It's used originally at the end of Lesson 7 introduction. Duplicated in the Lesson 7 exercise.)

Lesson 7 exercise animation

You'll see this an overview of the Lesson 7 exercise. Aim: to make it clear how to make use of the viewfinder.

Pre-formed format

Here's a printout-able template you can tape over a piece of cardboard to help you construct, and immediately put to use, your viewfinder.


Do your homework

Several interesting shapes for you to practice on.

Chair exercises

More practice.

New  Stuff!

Click here to see the new and improved 
archive page (in the "From The Top" section") 
on negative space

Make sure you click on these links (with 'Flash' lessons too :-) on modified contour and re-visit the "Understanding the Picture Plane" page - this is information that will ignite your drawing comprehension. No brag. Just fact:

Understanding the Picture Plane
Modified Contour  


One more word on "real-world" homework

More practice. In addition to using these computer images, use real world objects - working with three dimensional real world objects and translating them onto two-dimensional paper is at the heart of drawing. So get some practice drawing at least 2 other three-dimensional objects. (Hint: close one eye when you do your drawings - it helps collapse the real world into two dimensions.)

Go to Lesson 8: perspective and proportion

Kasbohm & Company's


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e-mail: jeffkaz@YouCanDraw