10 March 2001


YouCanDraw.com's Insider Communiqué


In depth Study: Hugh Hefner

In today's issue: A link to the latest, the greatest, thee most hippest...ok, ok, I'll
cut the hype. I'm just feeling good because I got the next in-depth caricature analysis
done - and almost a week ahead of schedule. You'll see a 6 new web pages with
over 100 new  illustrations with lots of text, interlinked to other parts of the web
book and to the web (though I didn't get the subject's web pictures  linked (doe! ).
Those will be uploaded in the next week.

Now grab your hats because those six web pages print out at about 60 pages. Yep,
that's right. It's pretty thorough - I think so anyway. The pictures are of pretty good
size - I'm not as worried about picture sizes anymore because you can now buy the
whole book on CD-ROM  - if your subscription is nearing it's end or expired, you'll
be receiving an email soon for a chance to buy the e-Sourcebook and another year's
worth of funny bit maps  and weekly drawing education - and at discount too. So
keep your eye's peeled!

So what's in all them pages?

I lifted this right off the summary page of the "Case Study Masterlink Page" - it'll
explain pretty well the whole thing, and I quote:

"In this lesson you'll be working your way through a front view analysis
using Hugh Hefner as our subject. You'll review the five main evaluation
techniques you saw in Case Study # 1. (You know, Keith Richards ). Prints
out at about 60 - yes, I said sixty - pages. Lots of pictures."

Review: The five evaluation techniques as I see them

In the first part of this book - lessons one through nine (the foundation
lessons), you were exposed to the five skills of drawing. In the second main
section of the book you applied and rehearsed those five skills by learning
to draw the different features of the face and the shapes of the head.
In this, the third section, I want you to get practice at using five more
techniques of observation peculiar to looking at faces. The five main
evaluation techniques are each concerned with different and relevant
observational guides and all incorporate and build on the five foundation
skills of drawing. And just what the heck are those five "guide" techniques
and how will you use them? Here's how:

·  In Part I you'll be looking at Mr. Hefner and evaluating the overall shape
of the face and head as well as the gut sense you get about the personality
of the person; and you'll analyze our subject in relation to the horizontal
guidelines of Mr. Average; you'll also find links to some good pictures of
Mr. Hefner available for your study on the web;

·  Next, in Part II you'll evaluate Mr. Hefner in relation to the vertical
guidelines of Mr. Average;

·  Then In Part III you'll walk through an evaluation of each feature - even
a few of the main lines and wrinkles of the face - and relate those to Mr.
Average; you'll have your first exposure to the deeper anatomy of the face -
starting with the superficial musculature just under the skin; you'll see
briefly how the lines and contours of the face are caused by the action of
muscles and masses (look carefully: the links to the anatomic illustrations
are buried in the text);

·  In Part IV you'll experiment with visualizing the largely two-dimensional
front view of Mr. Hefner in terms of the "Mr. Blockhead" model. Mr.
Blockhead is a tool used to develop a sense of depth reducing the face to,
and focusing on, the four main masses of the face: the forehead, the
maxilla, the cheekbones and the lower jaw. Then in this same section,
you'll walk through a step by step exaggeration of our exaggeration. So have
at it and enjoy!"

End quote.

Here's links to all the new pages:

Lesson 15 - Case Studies:

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

Anatomy pages (Linked in Part III):




So dive on in! PPPlease give me your feed back! And keep on drawing.


Jeff k.

Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director

"Once and for all - getting you drawing faces and caricatures"