To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Your March 17th 2003 Caricature:
General Tommy
March 17th, 2003
Your March 17th 2003
Howdy all!
General Tommy Franks...
How appropriate is this for St Patrick's Day? I don't know folks but
this guy
regretfully may be the big man in the news the next few weeks.
(Regretfully not
because I have anything against the man, but the fact that we'll be at
war - regardless of what side of the issue you stand on. Anyway, I don't
get paid to editorialize...not here anyway. :-)
What's caricaturable?
So what's caricaturable about General Tommy Franks? The first thing
that strikes me are the intense eyes. After that the long nose with the
rather curvaceous tip. The long nose puts the mouth almost out of sight
under the nasal tip. (So this would be a really
easy thing to grab onto and exaggerate to the max: making the mouth even
smaller and the nose even bigger. )
What makes these eyes so intense? It's how the eyebrows lie right in
top of the
eyelids. The closer you draw eyebrows to the eyes the more intense the
get. (Men's eye brows are naturally lower arched than are woman's.) Also
if you make
the lowest point of eyebrows closer to the nose, the angrier your
subject appears. Let
me say that again: draw the eye brows almost into the top of the
eyes and close to
the nose and you get one mad, bad dude. There :-)
Overall shape of the face
The overall shape of the face: it's long and narrow I'd say - with
long, prominent, jowly
cheeks - but not enough to make him look fat. There's a 'peanutty' shape
between the bones of the forehead, the jowls and the chin. You may have
to back
away a little from your computer to see this.
Subtle perspective
Also notice the subtle perspective at work in the picture: Note
these: the left side
of the picture is closer to you. How's this evidenced? Like this: the
hairline on the
the picture's left is a hair higher then the other side
("hair" get it? :-) The eye closest
to you - it's CLOSER and therefore bigger than the other eye. And
if you draw a
line from the side of the chin closest to you to the other side of the
chin, well that
line travels up. These three examples - the hair line, the eyes
and the line at the
bottom of the chin all point to a vanishing point in space off to the
right in the
picture. Subtle, isn't it? - but note how much more realistic the
picture appears
because of it.
More stuff...
The Forehead is relatively high with a short cropped, bristly head
of gray hair. The
ears are pretty dang remarkable if you ask me! So that's a feature you
could go
hog wild on. Speaking of ears, note how the anti-tragus (the
thing) really jumps out when juxtaposed against the deep shadow in the
front part
of the ear. Also note how the gradations of 'gray to black' progress -
smoothly. Which
is how real shadows appear in the world. Even though we're doing
the rules of realistic drawing still apply :-). What a deal (or a
pain...). Realism just
makes caricature that much more fun in my opinion.
...and more stuff...
What else can we say about this picture? Oh, I know, the lines
around the eyes -
the picture on the cover of Time (with Gen. Franks) has to be one of the
best studies
of facial wrinkles I've seen a long long time. I recommend going out and
this issue - if for nothing other than to study wrinkles.
Notes about the actual drawing
This picture was done with my trusty 50 cent Papermate mechanical
pencil (#2 lead)
and drawn on Grumbacher Paper for Pens. It's a got a really nice a
smooth, "hard"
paper surface that lets you get very accurate lines when you cross
hatch. It's also
fairly forgiving if you have to erase. The original is about 9 and 1/2
inches tall
from the tips of the hairs on Tommy's head down to where the picture's
off at the bottom.
Your assignment
Get this issue of Time (17 March 2003). Try and draw just the eyes
and the wrinkles
around them. AND if you're just starting, do a pure contour drawing of
the wrinkles
around the eyes (pure contour is a great way to get your brain into
R-mode). Heck,
everybody do that - (do a pure contour of the wrinkles around the eyes -
a great way to learn in depth how facial wrinkles form.)
Here's the Lesson Four Pure Contour page if you don't have your
e-book handy:
Here's a General Tommy Franks picture I think was taken from the same
photo session the Time cover was taken from:,8599,216117,00.html
To see a small cover of the March 17th, 2003 issue, (and so you'll
know what to
look for when you go to the store) look inthe upper left hand corner of
this page:
So dive on in folks - get in your 15 minutes a day of drawing.
while you watch the news, try to capture the nose of your favorite
newscasters -
try doing that for a week. You WILL improve! Guaranteed.
Take care, have a great St. Patty's Day, and stay safe whatever part
of the
world you're in.
Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director
Kasbohm & Company Strategic Multimedia
home of
(952) 544-0657
1351 Hampshire Ave. So., #127
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
"Once and for all getting you drawing faces and