30th October 2003 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Your 30th October 2003, YouCanDraw.com Communiqué |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Howdy all! just a quick note today. I'm taking a short vacation (running off to Los Angeles for Halloween and seeing all sorts of old friends...put out a fire or two...sorry, that was real bad...). So I'm just sending this quick note that there'll be no in-depth email today. All the latest orders have been sent out with the completely updated YouCanDraw e-Sourcebook (you may have already received yours). I'll answer any emails when I get back. And if you are in Southern California I hope you are safe, sound and completely out of harm's way. If you've just signed on, make sure you check this out: -------------------------------------from previous email---------------------------------------- All updated Today's news is this: we've gotten the Archives up to date. And, if you haven't downloaded your copies of the Flash Interactive lessons, there's a quick download center just to the right in the black box at the very top of the e-magazine Archives. There's tons of info in those Flash lessons and you'll really miss out if you don't study them - plus they're fun :-) ...and part of your sign-up fee. Theres' also a link to the bottom of this huge page (click on the blue "2003" at the top right of the off-yellow year-link bar) where you can catch up on all of 2003 e-Communiques. A few caricatures in there too. Go here to see it all: http://ycdinsiders.digitalchainsaw.com/InsidersArtistLoft/archives.htm Warmly, and have a Happy Halloween! Jeff
Jeffrey O. Kasbohm