Subject: update: Your 15 October 2003,

15 October 2003


Your 15 October 2003, Communiqué


Howdy all!  Quick note today....

Note for those of you who've recently signed up...

For those of you who've recently signed on, we're re-compiling the CD - it's coming!
But we're running a little behind. Thank you so much for your patience. It'll be worth
the wait...hopefully no more than another 10 days (small technical hang-up  -- the
manufacturer/creator of the compiling program is looking at it personally - he's at:

All updated

Today's news is this: we've gotten the Archives up to date. And, if you haven't
downloaded your copies of the Flash Interactive lessons, there's a quick download
center just to the right in the black box at the very top of the e-magazine Archives.
There's tons of info in those Flash lessons and you'll really miss out if you don't
study them - plus they're fun :-) ...and part of your sign-up fee.

Theres' also a link to the bottom of this huge page (click on the blue "2003" at
the top right of the off-yellow year-link bar) where you can catch up on all of 2003
e-communiques. A few caricatures in there too. Go here to see it all:


If I had an assignment to give you today it would be to review all the Flash exercises
so when you start to draw the features of the face, you'll have all the basic drawing
tools you need. Dive on in, have courage, and keep on drawing!

Again, there's a ton of stuff in the Archives if your'e just getting started or review
if your're well into a roll!



Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director
Kasbohm & Company Strategic Multimedia
home of and

(952) 544-0657
1351 Hampshire Ave. So., #127
St. Louis Park, MN  55426

"Once and for all  getting you drawing faces and caricatures"