To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: YCD January 9th Communiqué: goes Hi-Tech! 

January 9th, 2002


Your January 9th Communiqué


Hi all,

well this is a biggee for today we've gone hi-tech! Today
marks the launch of the first of several “Flash Interactive” lessons. I don't
think there’s anything else out there like them - seriously!

They’re interactive, they’re entertaining, they’re educational...and
they’ll cut your learning time down 67.8%!

Well I don’t know about the 67.8% part, I’ve done no studies, but it sure
sounded good :-)

But what exactly is Flash?

“Flash” is an Internet technology that allows for motion, animation, sound,
and interaction in very compact file sizes. They’re like movies you can almost
talk to. (I did have to take the sound out because the files just got too big -
but they’re just as informative.)

Anyway, I’m very excited about the first one here and I hope you’ll find them
unique and very helpful.

Today’s Flash lesson focuses on the “Horizontal Landmarks of the Face”.
Those are guidelines the Greeks and the Romans used, that the renaissance
artists gauged their drawings by, and that caricaturists use to leap frog off
when sizing up the face.

Are they the only thing you’ll use to “figure out a face”? Of course not, but
they loom large in your grab bag of “sighting” tools you’ll learn to apply at 
will when drawing faces. And along with understanding the vertical landmarks
of the face, perceiving each particular isolated feature of the face, and the three-D
of the head, you’ll be way ahead of the competition (even if you're
competing against no one but yourself :-)  A firm understanding of those four
areas I believe will help catapult your portrait and caricature drawing. (And
we’ll be “Flash-i-fying” all four of these areas.)

Now unless you’ve read lesson 15 in it’s entirety, a lot of what I just said
won’t make a lot of sense. BUT, I’ll bet if you just go ahead and download
the lesson it’ll make more sense.

So here’s the link:

What’s it cost?

It cost’s you
nothing - this is all prepaid and was included in your sign-up price!

What you can do for me

What I’d like you to do is give this first “interactive” a look. Let me know if
it makes sense to you, if it helps clarify the point about the horizontal landmarks
of the face and gets you seeking them out when you look at anybody’s face.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

So go for it, download it to your desktop (or if you’re a little more computer
sophisticated, make a separate  file for them).

[When you click on the link, you should get a pop-up window. I recommend
choosing the “download to you hard drive/disc” option. When you “ok” the
download to your disc, you’ll get the familiar Windows file choice window.
If you scroll up, you’ll see the desktop option.]

The “Flash Interactive” file’s about 3.3 megabytes. (It’s no small fry :-). It could
take 8-10 minutes on a 56k modem. So click away and check it out!  And let me
know what you think.

Here's that link again:



PS Please forgive us for any interruption of service and e-zines during
our move from Los Angeles to Minneapolis - and in the dead of Winter
no less! :-)

Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director

(310) 676-2998
4702-C West 130th Street
Los Angeles CA,  90250

"Once and for all  getting you drawing faces and caricatures"