To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Your 5 December every other week caricature

December 5th, 2001


every other week caricature


Hi everybody,

Right before Thanksgiving you saw the first version of Billie Bob Thornton.
In today's rendering you'll see three different versions. The first: (and you
can see it in the upper left hand corner) shows a toothy Billy Bob; in the
middle you can see the more realistic version of Billy Bob; in the lower
right you can see a still wackier version. I think the more realistic version, the
middle version, is the most pleasing and accurate. What do you think?

I'm going to go into more detail in the next Communiqué about what makes
Billy Bob drawable. And we'll analyze his features, hair and expression
one by one and piece by piece. So I'll keep the text short tonight and let
you enjoy today's picture. When the Archives are updated, I'll post larger
versions of all three so you can compare each.

Also, expect to see the first "Flash Interactive"  lessons within the next
2-3 weeks. "Flash" is perfect for the kind of lessons I have in mind - you'll
have a chance to give me all the feedback you'd like to too. (I appreciate all
and any comments, questions and criticisms you might have :-). So
keep on drawing and talk to you soon.



PS  Here's some links to web photos of Mr. Thornton

Yahoo's photo gallery:

The photos I drew Billy Bob from were in the November issue of "Venice" mag:

In fact, here's a link to the photos from the  same photo shoot that were in the
magazine - the ones I drew Billy from:

(The Venice Magazine site is also a gold mine of quality celebrity photos.)

Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director

(310) 676-2998
4702-C West 130th Street
Los Angeles CA,  90250

"Once and for all  getting you drawing faces and caricatures"