X-Attachments: C:\# twnznd\twnznd_for_road.jpg

July 8th 2001
(picture below)


Your Every Other Week Caricature
Complements of YouCanDraw.com


Hi all,

here's the latest: Rock and Roll legend Peter Townshend of The Who. Yes,
he's getting older - but always fun to draw. Original picture was sketched in light
pencil with my favorite quick sketcheroo pencil: the Papermate Sharpwriter
number 2 mechanical pencil. The hatching was done completely with the
Pigma Micron 01 technical marker. Total time including all the hatching: about
60 minutes.

I've been working on a David Levine look this summer  - I've been practicing
duplicating 2-3 drawings a week right out of the New York Book Review. I start
with the little  1 x 2  to  3 x 4 inch pictures, hold them right up to my nose
to see how, what and WHY he hatches the way he does. I'm getting a feel for it.
Maybe not a 100 % original idea (though the pictures you're getting are 100%
originals as always) It's great practice to imitate another's style - as long as
you're not trying to sell off your copied work as original. (Note: you won't find a Pete
Townsend caricature by David Levine. If you do, I've never seen it. :-)

A foopah: can you find the mistake in the drawing? I'll give you a hint, they come
in pairs and you look through them. Let me know if you find it - it's a "symmetry"
issue. Until next time....

...have a great week, and keep on drawing!




Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director

"Once and for all getting you drawing faces and caricatures"