18 February 2001
(picture at bottom)
YouCanDraw.com's Insider Communiqué
Hi all - hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm going to keep it pretty short in this week's Communiqué. This will be the
third Communiqué in a mini-series on hair. You'll see graphically the effect hairdo,
hair shape, and hair color have on the appearance of a person. I mean that's
no news but when you see it graphically, it becomes, well, pretty entertaining.
Musical chairs, I mean "musical hairs"
Here's what I did. I took three subjects (Hugh Hefner, Maria
Shriver-Schwartznegger and Albert Einstein). Then with the magic of Photoshop you'll see how
one by one each hairdo makes it's rounds resting upon each person's pâté. (I
think that's what you call a person's hairless topper. :-)
Your Job
Here's your job: figure out who's hair is sitting on whom, and ask yourself "what
exactly is it about the hair that makes each look so different?". Ask "Why does
Hugh Hefner look like a stand-in for the Las Vegas Lion and Tiger Circus act
Sigfried and Roy?" (I told you there'd be some entertaining results.)
Look at the hair in terms of size, shape, it's proportion to the overall size of each
face, it's grain or color density. Look at where hair meets the border of the face
and ask yourself if it "works". (Does it look natural? And how could you touch it
up to make it look real and convincing?)
Your Assignment
Lastly, look close at the texture of each set of hair. Take note how line and color
tone effect a subject's age and sex appeal. Try and draw each set of hair on
your own: draw a smiley face and try drawing different hair styles on each of the
heads. Go for it - give it a whorl, I mean whirl!
Next In-Depth Analysis on deck
The next In-depth caricature analysis is about a week to 10 days away
and it's shaping up nicely I think. Take care, keep on drawing, and I'll talk to
all of you again soon.
PS - here's the picture:
Jeffrey O. Kasbohm
Executive Director
"Once and for all - getting you drawing faces and caricatures"